
Using Squarespace and Embedding Syntax Highlighted Code with Emacs

Using Squarespace and Embedding Syntax Highlighted Code with Emacs

Squarespace has the ability to syntax highlight the following three source types:

  • html
  • css
  • javascript

in a very workable built in code block in their blogging system.  But, if you use another source type like SystemVerilog or Python you will have to figure out something else to get your source code syntax highlighted on Squarespace.

In the following post on Answers Squarespace, it mentions a method using the javascript helper Prism that can syntax highlight a lot of languages out of the box.  It actually looks really cool.  Sadly, SystemVerilog is not in their list of supported languages.

To handle something like SystemVerilog, or nearly every language, the solution I ended up with was using Emacs with the plugin htmlize.  The idea is that since Emacs already has great syntax highlighting for everything, you can export regions or whole files to raw HTML with that syntax highlighting intact.

Using Emacs to Debug Verilog Compiles in Mentor Questa

Using Emacs to Debug Verilog Compiles in Mentor Questa

I hadn't used Emacs to compile and parse errors for Mentor Questa before and decided to see what that would be like.  Making Emacs understand how the simulator works and spits out errors involves extending Emacs to know how to launch your Verilog simulator and how to interpret the console messages.  The built in Emacs compilation mode is not terrible and at least gives a starting point for compiling and debugging standard languages and custom ones. This is how to do it with Mentor Questa.